Each family will receive two reserved seats based upon the student’s last name. Due to gym seating conditions, we cannot offer you any more than the two reserved seats. However, there will be plenty of non-reserved seating available in the bleachers to accommodate your needs.
If your family needs special seating arrangements due to physical handicap, or for step-parents, please feel free to contact Meg Hansen at 294-6635 ext. 309 or email her at [email protected] by Friday, April 26. There is limited chair seating on the floor behind the graduates.
Our graduates will be seated:
Alyassiri - Lee on the left side of the gym
LeGrand - Zeckser on the right side of the gym
Each row of graduates will stand and then individually process to the stage to receive his or her diploma. In order to ensure the best view of your son or daughter, the reserved parent seats will be in the chairs on the opposite side from where the graduate is seated. Graduates will receive their diplomas and walk toward the reserved family seating. Additional seating in the bleachers is on a first-come, first-served basis. Doors will open at 1:00 p.m. sharp.