For some students who work in essential roles, when schools closed down, working hours went up. We visit with one of those students who, in addition to dealing with the circumstances as a senior, also has been spending more time working as part of Hy-Vee’s Aisles Online department as grocers pivoted to better serve their customers during the pandemic. XHS marketing intern, Ella Schulte (X20) visits with fellow classmate/recent graduate, Aubrey Jones (X20), to gain a sense of how the past few months have impacted her.
Senior Honors Earned: XHS Hall of Fame, “Spirit of a Saint” Award
Additional Scholarships Offered: Loras College St Raphael Scholarship, Coe College Impact Award, Coe College Iowa Kohawk Award, Coe College Trustee Scholarship
Activities Participated In: Track, Basketball, Volleyball
Work Outside School: Hy-Vee (Aisles Online Department)
Although you weren’t able to enjoy the “typical” ending to your senior year of high school, how did you make the most out of COVID-19’s impact on your final memories & moments as a class?
My family was supper supportive throughout the whole experience, and we literally celebrated every single moment just as if they were to normally happen. We got all dressed up for prom and Baccalaureate Mass. We also decorated the backyard for our virtual Mass, and facetimed family members so that we could all still celebrate together.
How has the pandemic overall impacted you & your plans for the summer?
It hasn’t really had a huge impact, other than not being able go and do the fun things I had planned with my friends since it is our last summer together. With school closing, I it hasn’t been uncommon to work nearly 40-hour weeks, which has actually helped with saving money for college next year.
How has the pandemic overall impacted your position as a Hy-Vee employee?
Before the pandemic I was just a normal checker, but due to the high demand for online shopping, I was moved into the Aisles Online department.
More specifically, how did things look different for you in March & April?
March and April didn’t go at all like I had planned. I was very excited to see what this season of track had to bring for me and all of my teammates, so it was definitely different not having that in my schedule. As well as all of the fun activities and memories the season brings around this time such as state track and team bonding opportunities.
In comparison, what does life look like for you now?
Definitely a lot more snacking! Honestly, it’s definitely a lot less stressful … and more boring. The track season, while being very fun and exciting, it is definitely one the more stressful sports I participate in. So it has been nice to have that sense of relaxation, but not being able to really go anywhere but work is starting to get a bit boring … it’s hard to think that this is becoming my new normal.
Has the pandemic in any way affected your relationship with your friends, siblings, or parents?
I wouldn’t say that it’s really affected any of my relationships, but it is really hard not being able to see them as often. Luckily, my friends and I have been able to connect via Zoom pretty often and have gotten together for s’mores once or twice.
What specific precautions have you taken in recent months at home & at work because of the pandemic?
At work, we are required to wear a mask and we make sure that we are maintaining a six feet of distance between ourselves and customers. We also have arrows on the aisles which direct traffic and floor markers to ensure separation when waiting in lines. At home, we haven’t taken too many precautions other than limiting who we see and wearing masks when we leave the house.
You’ve always been such a positive, kind, & uplifting classmate. Is there any advice you have to give to those struggling with the outcome of COVID-19?
I know for me the hardest part about this pandemic was the thought of all the things we were missing out on, and after shedding a few tears on the subject I took a step back and thought about all of the new and unique opportunities that have come out of this situation. I’m sure it’s different for everyone, but some of the blessings I’ve found throughout this experience, such as having the opportunity to actually eat dinners with my family … something sports always got in the way of. I have added morning walks with my mom into my schedule. I’ve been able to work more now than I ever had which helps me add to my college fund.
As a class, we had the opportunity to spend our graduation with our families in a more personal and intimate manner as well as getting to see all of the fun videos of everyone receiving their diplomas. We also got way more goodies than any class before us got, including the opportunity to keep our cords and being able to decorate our caps. I also think it very eye-opening to see how much our community loves us and how truly proud they are our class and our accomplishments.
Some advice I would give to my classmates is to cease the opportunity we have and make the most of it. Unfortunately, there isn’t a quick fix for this, but we can control how we respond to this situation and we can choose to see the bright sides. We can find ways to use this time to focus on ourselves, spend time with our families before we go off to college, and even pick up new hobbies and spend time doing the little things we typically miss out on due to our usually very busy schedules.
How has your time spent at Xavier helped prepared you for such an unexpected time, as well as your future?
Xavier has prepared me for my future through rigorous course work and through the support of our great teachers and coaches who have thought me the importance of patience and hard work. I also feel I was prepared for all of this through the love and lessons learned from our guidance counselors and Campus Ministry staff, who taught me the importance of putting my trust in God, and to be understanding in the fact the everything happens for a reason … and that there is always a greater plan and a purpose.
What are your current plans for next fall? (Are you going to college? If so, where & what are you majoring in?)
I will be attending Coe College in the fall and will be majoring in Early childhood education. The pandemic didn’t really change my college plans necessarily because I hadn’t made my decision on where I wanted to go yet. I did decide to stay closer to home instead of going out of state because I wasn’t sure if we would be able to live on campus or not.
What are you most excited for with regard to college & your future?
I’m excited to meet new people and having the opportunity to play collegiate level sports.