PowerSchool registration opened in January this year. Registration was due June 28st. Thank you to those who have completed the process! If you have not already done so, please go to PowerSchool and use your parent login and password to register your student(s). Click HERE for directions on completing the process/checking to see if you have previously completed the process. This important registration process must be completed before students will receive a code for parking and before they will be permitted to pick-up their iPads for the fall semester. Please contact [email protected] should questions arise.
We will once again be offering reserved parking spots. To obtain a parking tag you will need to look for an email (being sent the week of July 29th to those who have completed PowerSchool Registration). Once parking opens for your student’s grade, select your student's parking spot using the link in the email). All vehicle information for the student’s primary & secondary vehicles (year, make, model, color & license plate #s) will be required to reserve a parking spot. (Please communicate within your family in advance as to who will purchase this and make sure you have all required details ready. Requests for changes will be addressed after August 8th.) Seniors will get first choice (August 5th), followed by juniors (August 6th), sophomores (August 7th), then freshmen (August 8th). All vehicle information, including license plate #, will be required to purchase a parking tag. A $40.00 parking fee is REQUIRED for students to park in the Xavier High School parking lot. Cars without a parking tag hung in the windshield will receive a fine and may be towed.
Parking tags will then be available for students to pick up beginning at iPad Pick-Up Day on Wednesday, August 14th only if parking spot has been purchased/reserved. More info will be sent in emails to parents & students the week of July 29th.
Beginning at 9am on Thursday, August 1st, students and parents may view student semester 1 schedules in PowerSchool.
NEW: Schedule Change Process 2024/25
Students and Parents will receive further communication about the updated schedule change request process including the ability to submit a request via a Google form if the student is requesting a change for an approved reason. Priority is given to students missing a course in their schedule, especially a core course, and other courses required for graduation. Students will not be able to make requests for time preference or teacher preference. Counselors will be available to complete change requests in person on one of the following days/times:
Class Schedule Changes (Student Services Office):
For the best chances of fulfilling a schedule change, it is recommended that students complete requests by August 10.
Approval of a course change request depends on class size and availability. Please note that semester 2 schedules will be released in December. If you have questions please contact your student’s school counselor by last name:
[email protected] (A-L) [email protected] (M-Z)
Please understand that students will not be able to attend the first day of classes unless all tuition from last year is paid in full, a signed tuition contract has been returned for the 2024-2025 school year, and your student has paid all fines due from the 2023-2024 school year.
Parents can pay tuition and fees online by heading to www.XavierSaints.org/Parent (or finding it under the "Parents" section of XavierSaints.org). Xavier is using FACTS to pay tuition, athletic participation and other curriculum fees. For fees that require choices related to size, quantity, etc. Xavier will use Snap! (formerly 8to18). Links to all these sites can be found at www.XavierSaints.org/Parent.
Tuition – Xavier High School uses FACTS for tuition contracts and payments. This link can be accessed on the Parent Portal section of the Xavier website at www.XavierSaints.org/Parent (this also is found under the "Parents" section of XavierSaints.org). Tuition amounts are posted in FACTS for those who have completed the tuition contract process. The first tuition payment is due by August 5 or 20 (depending on the payment plan selected). If the payment has not been paid as scheduled, it must be paid before the first day of school. Please understand that students will not be able to attend the first day of classes unless all tuition from last year is paid in full, a signed tuition contract has been returned for the 2024-2025 school year and your student has paid all fines due from 2023-2024 school year.
Snap! Online Payment System - Xavier uses Snap! (formerly 8to18) as its vendor to process certain fees online that require a selection of size, quantity, etc.. This link can be accessed on the Parent Portal section of the Xavier website at www.XavierSaints.org/Parent (this also is found under the "Parents" section of XavierSaints.org). ACADEMIC FEES: Please note that fees associated with academics (science goggles, art supplies, etc.) are NOT online at this time.
Freshmen Orientation is required for all incoming freshmen. This day is a comprehensive introduction to Xavier. The experience includes a welcome from faculty and staff, time with community and house leaders, meeting teachers and attending classes, and setting up technology. Dress code is not enforced on orientation day. Registration begins at 9:00am with the orientation beginning at 9:30am.
Transfer Orientation is required for all new students in grades 10-12th. The morning experience includes an introduction to Xavier. Students will learn about the policies and procedures of Xavier and tour the building and their classes.
New and returning students with a 504 accommodation plan are invited to visit their teachers and classrooms for the upcoming semester. Parents are welcome to attend. Questions can be directed to [email protected]
Regular Start Time: 7:50 am
NEW Regular Dismissal Time: 2:50 pm
NEW Wednesday Start Time: 8:50 am
NEW Wednesday Dismissal Time: 2:50 pmDaily and modified bell schedules can be found www.XavierSaints.org/Parent
The Xavier Booster Club is a sponsorship and volunteer driven organization dedicated to supporting Xavier academics, athletics, and fine arts programs. We help facilitate, promote, and provide funding for all student activities. The Xavier Booster Club has committed to funding $133,000 in director and coach requests for the 2024-25 school year. Learn more about becoming a sponsor and purchase a sponsorship at www.xaviersaints.org/xbc. Sponsorships may also be purchased online through the parent portal www.XavierSaints.org/Parent, through Snap! (formerly 8to18) or mailed directly to Xavier High School.
We have recently created a new email list that we will be using to send our weekly Xavier Navigator. If you did not receive the Xavier email on Wednesday, July 17th, please email [email protected] to get your email address added. Email addresses used for the Xavier Navigator are exported from PowerSchool. It is important that only your primary email is entered in your parent information during PowerSchool Registration as this is the email that we will use for this communication. Please email [email protected] if another family member (in addition to father and mother) would like to receive this communication. E-mail updates will include general calendar/high school news and activity related updates including but not limited to Academics, Campus Ministry, Activities, Archdiocesan updates and Legislative Alerts. An opt-out link is included at the bottom of every email, and you are welcome to opt-out from emails at any time. Please note, if you remove yourself from the list, you will no longer receive ANY updates from Xavier High School. We are continually working to streamline our communications to make them as applicable to the general Xavier High School audience as possible, but appreciate your understanding in knowing that not every email may apply directly to you.
This year, Xavier High School will be using a new system that syncs with PowerSchool to enable school personnel to notify all households and parents by text within minutes of an emergency or unplanned event which warrants parent notification. This system will NOT be used for general announcements/reminders. School Messenger is a company that specializes in school-to-parent communications. Xavier High School will continue to report school closings due to snow or weather on the local radio, TV stations and social media and will use this system as an overlay to the public announcements.