WHAT AN EVENING! With the help of all our Dancing with the Saints voters, dancers, dance pros and an entire community coming together, we raised $156,000 to support classroom upgrades at Xavier High School (a new record)!!! Congratulations to our Dancing with the Saints: Season 5 People's Choice Champions (who raised the most voting donation dollars): Ted Kepros and Vanessa Terrell. Also congratulations to our Season 5 Judges' Choice Champions: Tom Keating (AKA Tommie Mercury) and Alisabeth Von Presley!
THANK YOU to all who helped make this possible through your support of Dancing with the Saints! We are truly humbled by the love and support you have poured out through this event. Funds raised from Dancing with the Saints: Season 5 will help us upgrade our classrooms to "active learning environments." These new classroom designs will help Xavier suit the evolving and dynamic learning needs of students; give our teachers more tools to further increase student engagement; and continue to help us prepare our Saints for success in any and all post-high school endeavors, whether that's college, the work force/trades, military service or answering the call to pursue a religious vocation. May God bless you all for making this possible!