This school year, the Xavier Drama Department was able to purchase a new backdrop with allocated funds from the Xavier Booster Club, improving the look and longevity of the set included in shows presented at Xavier. Unlike many booster clubs that only support athletics, the Xavier Booster Club supports 41 activities, both athletics and the performing arts. This exciting, new addition to the drama department consists of a black velvet curtain with LED lights to resemble a night sky with twinkling stars.
Director Mr. Mike Cervantes put in this request last year, seeing a need to replace the old backdrop for the betterment of future productions.
Xavier High School’s Drama Department will be presenting Beauty and the Beast on Friday, November 15 at 7:00 p.m., Saturday, November 16 at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, November 17 at 2:00 p.m.
Both Cervantes and Scallon mentioned their excitement with the unveiling of the new backdrop in their upcoming musical.
“As a senior, it has been amazing to look back over the past four years and remember each show we put on,” Scallon said. “Every year that goes by, I develop a greater love for theatre and appreciate everything our department has been given. I have worked my way up the ladder to be in my position, and in every show the hard work pays off. I can’t thank the Xavier Booster Club enough for this gift.”
Scallon has served as Xavier’s assistant director for the last two years and has been a part of the theatre program for the past four years.
“This new addition is a great way to have a high school production feel more professional,” senior Taylor Scallon said. “The new backdrop adds to the overall effect to the show and makes the scenery look more realistic.”
Before this safer, new addition, the drama department’s homemade backdrop was used for five different shows over the span of about ten years at Xavier.
“Our old backdrop was a homemade star curtain made out of old curtains and lights, but it had started to deteriorate,” Cervantes said. “It was almost a fire hazard. The new curtain has LED lights, which don’t give off heat. It is also professionally wired, serving many purposes and aiding in more shows to come.”
If you are interested in joining the Xavier Booster Club, please click on the link below – 100% of your membership contribution will be used to support Xavier High School.
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