Xavier High School offers a wide variety of dual credit and AP courses for students. 94 percent of XHS students will complete at least one college-level course by the time he or she graduates from Xavier.
Personal Financial Management
3 Credits
Sem II - 3-credit course reviewing financial concepts learned in Economics and digs deeper into future financial decisions, such as investing, insurance, real estate, retirement, etc.
Xavier Course Name | SLU Course Name | Course # | Xavier Term | Credits | |
12th - AP Lit I | Adv Strategies Rhetoric & Research | ENGL 1900 | Sem 1 | 3 | |
AP US History I | History of the U.S. to 1865 | HIST 1600 | Sem 1 | 3 | |
AP Biology | General Biology: Information Flow and Evolution | BIOL 1240 & 1245 | Year Long | 4 | |
College Algebra | College Algebra | MATH 1200 | Year Long | 3 | |
AP Stats | Elementary Computers with Stats | MATH 1300 | Year Long | 3 | |
Pre-Calculus | Pre-Calculus | MATH 1400 | Year Long | 3 | |
AP Calculus | Calculus I | MATH 1510 | Year Long | 4 | |
Philosophy of Theology | Intro to Philosophy-Self and Reality | PHIL 1050 | Sem 1 | 3 | |
AP US Government | American Politics | POL 1100 | Sem 2 | 3 | |
12th - AP Lit II | Gender, Identity & Literature | ENGL 2550 | Sem 2 | 3 | |
AP US History II | History of the US since 1865 | HIST 1610 | Sem 2 | 3 | |
Comparative Religions | Religions of the World | THEO 2710 | Sem 2 | 3 |