Semester Exams will take place on the last four days of school.
Semester Exams are comprehensive finals.
Students will report to their classes during their cohort assigned testing time.
Students will report to Zoom as scheduled during their cohort Zoom time.
Exam days are dress code days.
Student Expectations:
Students on Zoom are expected to be in attendance with a learning or assessment activity.
Teachers may make exceptions for students to attend in person outside of their cohort. If a student does this, they must stay on campus for their pair of morning or afternoon classes.
Students will report to Xcel Hours after morning blocks. Any student without academic needs (requested by the teacher, test makeup, or student seeking teacher) will be dismissed after attendance is taken.
Monday, December 14 is Christmas sweater day! Students may wear Christmas themed sweaters. Sweaters should be appropriate and in good taste.
Tuesday, December 15 is Christmas pajama day! Students may wear Christmas pajamas. Please no pillows, blankets or stuffed animals. Shoes must be worn, slippers with hard bottoms are allowed.
Dress Guidelines:
Headpieces are permitted: Such as Santa hats or reindeer antlers.
Masks may be Christmas-themed. They must be appropriate and in good taste. If your mask is not Christmas-themed you must wear a solid colored mask.
Regular casual day guidelines should be followed.
If students choose not to participate in Christmas dress days, they should wear regular dress code.
Final exams start Wednesday, Dec. 16th. Dress code and masks should be worn as normal for testing days.