The Xavier Booster Club is looking for 5-6 volunteers to form a committee to help run the winter and spring concessions for the ‘23/’24 school year.
Volunteers Duties and Responsibilities could consist of the following:
Inventory of food items and drinks.
Ordering food items and non-perishable items from Sam’s Club.
Placing pop/drink orders through Coke.
Ordering from Farner Bocken 2-3 times a year. (These are $500 min. orders)
Stocking the shelves and refrigerators as needed after each event.
Checking the day prior to make sure the refrigerator is stocked.
Help train the Parent reps for Opening and Closing the concession stand.
Work with XBC leadership on any new equipment, issues, iPads or other requests.
The hours needed will vary depending on the sports season and the number of events scheduled in a week. There will be flexibility based on how we divide up the tasks of the team. Ideally, we would like to find several people who can split tasks and dates allowing for schedules of parents to pick and choose when they are available to help.
Our idea is that by having several team members the time commitment should not exceed 3-6 hours a week and give members flexibility to work around their own busy schedules.
We would plan in advance on who’s helping each week and for which events, eliminating too much stress on any one team member.
For more information – Please reach out to Tami Westhoff:
[email protected] | 319.360.1360